In the 20th century, Ebenezer Howard kickstarted an urban planning movement by envisioning a network of satellite communities surrounding a central city, separated by greenbelt. These garden cities were both interconnected and autonomous, with each containing proportionate areas of residences, industry and agriculture, with more specialized amenities shared between them.
Moving through urban scales, from cities and villages to neighborhoods and blocks, it can be argued that the core principles of autonomous entities within a wider interconnected network remain necessary for harmonious prosperity.
Our proposal for Schorsmolen focuses on 5 apartment blocks and their immediate context. We identified key amenities for a typical apartment block including shared green space for congregating, a children’s play area, spaces for relaxation and exercise, allotments, private gardens, parking, and a mixture of apartment typologies. Environmentally, each block should be partially self-sustaining, with solar panels, a rainwater harvest system and green roofs.
Our proposal consists of 3 phases. These steps are adaptable in program and can be adjusted in line with input gained from community engagement and participatory design.